Gearbox Housings

From the underside of most automobiles, gearbox housings are considerably visible, and are on the receiving end of some nasty wear and tear from what may flick up from road services.

Ensuring gearbox housings remain clean, and resistant to corrosion is important for your gearbox and the underside appearance. Once vapour blasted, old gearbox housings look as though they have come straight out of the factory, and are increasingly resistant to corrosion and damage caused from dirt and liquids.

Gearbox housings can only be blasted as an ‘empty shell’, without any internal mechanisms remaining from the gearbox itself. This ensures it can be treated internally and externally to a high standard.

Gearbox housings will be returned as we received them, looking better than ever!

At Sydney Vapour Blasting, you can be confident that your components are being refurbished by qualified automotive restoration specialists.